However, at turn-off, the diode current reverse for a reverse recovery time trr before falling to zero. 然而在关断时,二极管的电流在降至零之前有一个反向恢复时间。
Spin-on platinum diffusion was used to introduce recombination center in order to reduce the reverse recovery time TRR of fast recovery diode. 采用直拉单晶硅片代替成本较高的外延硅片,采取铂扩散的方法引入复合中心,从而控制少子寿命以减少快恢复二极管的反向恢复时间。
Its cathode adopts ideal ohmic contact which can simultaneously allow the transport of holes and electrons across its surface and decrease reverse recovery time significantly. 阴极是采用理想欧姆接触结构,同时为电子和空穴提供抽取通道,大大降低了反向恢复时间。
Spin-on platinum diffusion was used to control lifetime of minority carrier to reduce the reverse recovery time trr. 采用铂液态源扩散降低少数载流子寿命τ从而缩短反向恢复时间trr;
The results revealed that the tradeoff of reverse recovery time and the leak current can be improved efficiently by increasing the temperature and decreasing time of the platinum diffusion. 试验证明,增加扩铂温度,减小扩铂时间可以有效的解决反向恢复时间和漏电流之间的折衷问题。
The main contents of the project are to decreasing the reverse recovery time of the device under the condition of not changing the other parameters. 该项目的主要内容是保证其它参数不变的前提下,尽可能的减小反向恢复时间。
Using the technology of Pt diffusion to produce diodes can shorten the reverse recovery time and increase the velocity of switching. 采用扩铂工艺制造二极管能够有效地减小开关二极管的反向恢复时间,提高其开关速度。
Platinum diffusion has the feasibility to reduce the reverse recovery time trr that can be analyzed by energy band theory of platinum and lifetime theory. 用铂扩散的方法来减少反向恢复时间trr,这无论从铂的能级理论上分析,还是从寿命理论上分析都有其可行性。
With above study fruits about the reverse recovery characteristics of the intrinsic area, we explain the reasons for limitations of reverse recovery time and reverse recovery softness, and an improvement on reverse recovery time and its softness is presented. 在前面对反偏时本征区特性的研究分析的基础之上,进一步解释反向恢复时间与反向恢复软度受限的原因,并且提出了提高其反向恢复时间和软度的方法。